Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Clueless Group's short trip

Working for 8 months without a break was frustrating, so I took a break and went for a short trip to Mcleodganj with my friends. Escaping the scorching heat and our chaotic life in Delhi, the feeling was just awesome. McLeodganj, a small town in Himachal Pradesh was so peaceful, with a small population. It was just what I needed at the moment. 

On our second day we decided to trek from Mcleodganj to Triund, and honestly I had absolutely no idea it was such a difficult trek. We walked for hours in a steep hill, with no food, no water. (I wonder why we don't plan things in advance), we cross one hill and reach the top and BANG there's another one. I was so flustered, it was a never ending walk. We didn't find anyone on the way except for a Shepard who gave us water which tasted like petrol. 

Finally we reached the top and seriously every step was worth it, the snow-capped mountains were breathtaking.The feeling of content when we found food (girls from clueless group live to eat) Maggi had never tasted better.

I'm just thankful none of us died, because the hills that we climbed were steep. It was a fun trip. Visit to the monasteries, the stupid Kangra fort, the dirty river, Innova ride, bike ride in Mcleodganj. The main reason why this trip was so important is because we don't know when all of us will be together again. Mila will return to UK, Cheddup chasing his dream will go all the way to Bangalore IIM, clueless group is divided. :( but just hope we'll be together again someday!!!
Next trip Bangalore, Goa, everyone :P

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

मेरो प्यारो दार्जीलिंग ( My Beloved Darjeeling )

My hometown Darjeeling is one of the most beautiful places on earth, also known as the ' Queen of the Hills'. This is a place I love from the bottom of my heart, a place I grew up, a place I call home, so I wish to write about all the good things, ignoring the political battle and the negativism that follows..Darjeeling is an awesome place to live in.

This fascinating place is best known for it's tea plantations, Buddhist Monasteries, Ropeway ride, mesmerizing fresh air, breathtaking view, shopping in the colorful markets, wide variety of fabulous food, long walks in the Mall road, trekking to high altitude spots, and the most unique feature of Darjeeling is the world famous Toy train which takes you from Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling through scenic valleys

Darjeeling is a place where anybody can feel at home, people of this fabulous place have a very big heart. You can never be broke in Darjeeling, you can actually go out with 10 bucks in your pocket and come back home after eating a plate of delicious momos. I miss the evening walks with my aunty to Chowrasta after school, and on our way back a quick stop at Glenary's to grab our favourite chicken patties. 

I miss Darjeeling and the feeling that someone at Home is waiting for you, My grandmom waited for me to return back from school with delicious goodies which she prepared during tea time, those cakes that she baked is by far the world's best cakes ever because the main ingredient is Love. Feeling of being loved, wanted, sheltered can only be found at home. 

Morning walks in the Mall Road, the fresh breeze brushing our faces, the feeling is just overwhelming. Darjeeling is my Home and I wish to go back someday and live the simple & easy life with my lovely family. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


1.Speak only in a "robot" voice
2.Reply to everything someone says with 'that's what you think'
3.Invite lots of people to other people's parties
4.Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times
5.Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your 'imaginary friend'
6.Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, & then scribble their answers in a notebook
7.Sing along at the opera
8.Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back
9.Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September
10.Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down
11.Ask people what gender they are
12.Chew on pens that you've borrowed
13.Change channels five minutes before the end of every show
14.Honk and wave to strangers
15.Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears
16.Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc:" them to your boss
17.Set alarms for random times in other peoples' phone
18.Drum on every available surface
19.Wear a cape that says 'Magnificent One'
20.Make appointments for the 31st of September

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life has not been simple lately..

Grew up in a small town called Darjeeling, also known as the 'Queen of the Hills', life was so uncomplicated, so easy, living with family and me being a pampered kid didn't really get a chance to do things on my own. All I cared about was my family and the way they were always there for me no matter what, so I really didn't think much beyond that..My family gave me the best of things and made my world so damn easy...

After Graduation I had to move out from Darjeeling to make my career. I have always been a planner, I plan what I'm going to wear, I plan my lunch, and sure as hell I plan my future. So, the things i wanted to do after I enter the real world was all clear in my head. ( wasn't as simple as I thought it would be) I had to deal with new people, new customs, new traditions, new environment , I was living alone without my family for the first time in 21 years. everything was new, it was a totally brand new world for me, I can't really say whether I liked it or not but I missed home real bad.

This is my 5th year in Delhi, although I love being here but I still miss home everyday. Every single day is an assignment here...you worry at work..you worry about your friends..you worry about your image...worry about appraisal...about performance at work...All we do here in this big city is WORRY...Sometimes I just wish I could go back home and lead a simple, happy and normal life.. A Life I have been living all these years...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

One Tree Hill...

One Tree Hill star James Lafferty (LOVE)

One Tree Hill has been very close to my heart...It has given me the courage when my life was off course....It has given me confidence to follow my dream...and made me realise how important life is and the people in it...
World is a much better place to live in...There was a time when i had just completed my Post Grads and was desperately hunting for a job...Those few months have been the hardest i have faced till now...Nothing seemed right...felt that the whole world was against me...I had lost confidence in myself...I felt i wasn't good enough...If i had to say it in a single word...I had tagged myself as a failure....Peyton in One Tree hill had a similar situation and the way she fought her battle with life to achieve what she had dreamt of all those years....was a big motivation for me....One Tree Hill has taught me that failure is not a bad thing...and the most important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments..."Everyday won't be sunny  and when you find yourself lost in the darkness & despair, remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars and those stars will lead you back home..."

Rahul Gandhi and his Youth Politics

Congress, the peoples party has gone through a lot of changes over the years. Since it started it has metamorphosed itself. After great inspiring leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, they now have their eyes on Rahul Gandhi, who started his political career at a very early age. He has been setting a standard to promote the youth politics and help the youth of India to move in the right direction. He is a motivational factor to all the youngsters and the main reason is probably because he wants the youth to join politics and give them a national platform to take part in the decisions to strengthen the nation.

India is one of the youngest democracies in the world with 60% of its population between 18-45 years. Over the years India has seen many political parties, great leaders but now its time to change it a little by giving young people a chance to participate. Rahul Gandhi was the first one to propose this idea to the congress in the meetings and that’s the reason why we have young MP’s like Sachin Pilot, Sandeep Dikshit and Rahul himself.

He is popular and someone who is not afraid to speak the truth. He wants to bring change in the country so he has recruited a lot of young members in the party since the youth has a lot of impact on the political affairs. India has its majority of its population in its younger years and they are blooming with confidence.

The Amethi MP’s ambition of making Indian Youth Congress the “world’s largest youth body in politics” may soon bear fruit. Rahul Gandhi calling the youth to participate in the politics is getting a marvelous response, He has elected 200 electorates aged 18 to 35. He has also insisted that the party’s youth organisations hold internal elections for posts.

It is expected that Rahul would propose few names to be included in the cabinet or at least for MoS seats to encourage youths in the politics. But what is disheartening to hear is that youth politics is restricted only to the sons and daughters of the political leaders because almost all the candidates come from political families. It would have been more fruitful if the youths were elected beyond the families having political background.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Stepping UP..!!!
It's a simple concept...it basically means to rise above yourself...
to do a little more...
to show yourself something special...

--like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back...
--like when the angel of Death takes your loved ones and you can't do anything about it...
--like when you mistreat your family and you can't take it back...
--like when your best friend is in trouble and you can't do anything to help her out...
--like when you can't make up your mind...

Its been said that we fail to recognize the significant moments of our lives while they're happening...
We take people or things for granted ...
and its usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you...
that you realise how wrong you've been...how much you really need it.
Every once in a while people step up...
they rise above themselves...
Sometimes they surprise you...
sometimes they fall short....

But if you look close enough...you find hope...
--in the bars of a song...
--in the words of children...
--and in the eyes of someone you love...
and if you're lucky...
if you're the luckiest person in this planet...
The person you love decides to love you back...


Sometimes when you're young, you think nothing can hurt you...It's like being invincible..Your whole life is ahead of you, and you have big plans... Big plans!!! To find your perfect match, the one that completes you.... But as you get older, you realize it's not always that easy.... It's not until the end of your life that you realize how the...plans you made were simply plans..... At the end, when you're looking back instead of forward, you want to believe that you made the most of what life gave you.... You want to believe that you're leaving something good behind.....